According to the mayor of Győr, there are uninhabitable residential areas in the city because they serve the interests of the businessmen rather than the people.


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The urban planning plan for Gy planningr is being revised, because according to the mayor of Fidesz, elected at the beginning of the year, the current one “is not in the interest of the residents, but in the interest of the businessmen.”

Here, Csaba András Dézsi tests a device called Fakopp, which can be used to determine how healthy the internal structure of tree trunks and branches is.Photo: Csaba Krizsán / MTI / MTVA

András Csaba Dézsi said at a press conference that the city has been rebuilt in many places, uninhabitable residential areas have been created, there is no adequate transport connection and sufficient parking, and narrow roads do not allow the construction of sidewalks or trails for bikes.

According to him, “real estate developers made a profit from every square foot, so there was no room for community areas, institutions or green spaces.” The buildings of six hundred to eight hundred houses crowded into small areas in single-family zones.“It is surprising that these houses could have been built, at the end of this era in Győr, we will not allow this,” said Dézsi, who ordered the alteration ban at four points in the city. from the bridge to the Industrial Canal, the terraced development area of ​​the Free Mountain district and the northern area of ​​Lake Marcal (MTI).

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