According to the LMP, the government deceived retirees


According to the LMP, the government is grossly misleading the elderly by “locking in” the minimum pension and raising the annuity below inflation. Erzsébet Schmuck, co-chairman of the party, calls on the cabinet to increase pensions by 4% in January and to increase the amount of the minimum pension to two and a half times the current one, that is, to more than 71,000 HUF.

While road decals will increase 3.9 percent, citing inflation, the government will increase pensions by just 3 percent in January. The difference will be given to the elderly at the end of the year, while the government will “use” their money for free, the politician complained.

The minimum pension will not increase this year either, as it has remained at 28,000,500 HUF for the last thirteen years, which means that inflation will not even continue. The Cabinet is trying to divert attention from all this by paying the first quarter of the 13th monthly pension, said Erzsébet Schmuck, who sees all this as the government’s biggest loss of vision. According to him, the amount can only compensate for the impoverishment of the elderly.

The government is not compensating them for the drastic increase in food prices, he said, which will result in the disintegration of the retired society, but also in the fact that the value of annuities is increasingly moving away from the wages. Meanwhile, last year there was neither a pension bonus nor “the usual handout”, that is, neither a utility voucher nor an Elizabeth voucher. Opposition politicians have also called for a VAT reduction on basic food products from 27% to 5%.
