According to the legendary politician, a civil war could come in Poland


Lech Walesa, the legendary trade union leader and former head of state in preparation for regime change in Poland, fears that the brutal police response to the protests that broke out over the abortion law amendment may be followed by a horrific response.

Movements in organizing the women’s strike movement in Poland have been going on for weeks due to further toughening (constitutional court) of abortion law, not only in the bigger cities but also in smaller places, not even the churches remain without protest. Recently, the police attacked the women with rubber batons and gas sprays.

In return, someone, without knowing who he was, revealed all the data, names, addresses, marital status of the police. In this case, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Zbigniew Ziobro has launched an investigation because he believes that the security of the official media has been endangered.

Former Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa gave an interview about the situation in the Polish edition of Newsweek. Walesa cannot be accused of bias against protesters in an abortion case, partly because of her deep religiosity (she always wears the image of the Virgin Mary on her jacket lapel), partly because she has eight children. According to him, it is not possible to hit people in the face for a long time, this is the last step until the fall. Next time, someone won’t be able to take it anymore, a knife falls on the police and a civil war starts.

In the last week of November, there was a demonstration in front of the Ministry of National Defense titled “Free abortion and free education.” Several of the participants in the demonstration were also detained, according to the police, who refused to prove their identity on the certificate. The Women’s Strike movement also organizes street blockades in Warsaw.
