According to the intelligence of EE. USA, Human coronavirus was not produced by humans


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The coronavirus was not produced by humans and is not a genetically modified pathogen, the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI), which brings together all the US intelligence organizations. The US announced in a statement released Thursday.

In the resolution, the DNI emphasized that the position of the intelligence community reflects the broad scientific consensus of the international community. However, the board confirmed that they are still investigating the origin of the virus and are also investigating the question of whether the virus was accidentally released from a Chinese laboratory. As the statement says, the intelligence community “continues to relentlessly investigate emerging information and intelligence reports to determine whether the epidemic was released as a result of contact with infected animals or a laboratory accident in Wuhan.”

The announcement was made by the Intelligence Directorate after both President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested that the coronavirus had been released from the Wuhan Virological Research Institute due to human negligence. Experts infected the earliest viral infections with the Wuhan cattle market, assuming it was spread by infected gooseberries or bats sold there, and a delicacy for locals. (MTI)

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