According to the German Foreign Minister, there are many indications that the Russian state is behind the Navalny poisoning.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Speaking to Bild am Sonntag, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said there were many signs that the Russian state was behind the attack on Alexei Navalny with Novicok’s combat neurotoxin.

According to him, if the Russian government has nothing to do with the poisoning of a politician who considers himself the main figure of the Russian opposition, then it must prove it with its own deeds. If, on the other hand, you continue to “tarnish”, you can only think that “there is something to hide”.

The head of German diplomacy stressed: “Ultimatums will not help anyone, but if the Russian side does not move forward to explore the matter in the coming days, we must discuss the answer with our partners.”

He noted that Navalny had been attacked with an internationally banned combat nerve poison. This “brutal” and “vile” crime is a serious violation of the International Chemical Weapons Convention and “cannot go unnoticed,” Heiko Maas said.

On the signs of the involvement of the Russian state or government, he said, very few people have access to the Novics developed by the former Soviet army, and “this poison was used by state agencies to attack former intelligence officer Sergei Scripal.”

The proposal, widely discussed in German domestic politics, to be an appropriate response to the poisoning of Alexei Navalny by suspending the construction of another pair of Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea, bypassing Russian natural gas to Germany without passing For Ukraine and Poland, a member of the German federal government, who supports and seeks to withdraw from political debates, commented: “I hope the Russians will not force us to change our position on Nord Stream-2.”

He added that the consequences must also be borne by all those who demand the cessation of construction. He noted that more than one hundred companies from twelve European countries are involved in the development, and about one in two German.

Alexei Navalny is one of the best-known critics of the Russian head of state, Vladimir Putin. On August 20, he negotiated with opponents in Siberia and fell ill on the plane back to Moscow. The comatose politician was transferred to Berlin on August 22 for medical treatment.

A German army laboratory specializing in chemical weapons analysis has shown that Novics-type poison has been administered to his body. In evaluating the results of the Bundeswehr investigation, the German government said on Wednesday that the Russian opposition leader had been the victim of a toxic attack in his country. Berlin condemns the attack as strongly as possible, demands that Russian authorities investigate the case and begin negotiations with EU and NATO partners on the response, they said.

According to the Kremlin’s interpretation, the fact of the poisoning has not been confirmed, so there is no reason to initiate an investigation. (MTI)

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