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A rather shocking voice was released on Monday after Alexei Navalny called one of his FSB killers under a pseudonym, confessing how he had been poisoned. Bellingcat released the audio of the nearly hour-long telephone conversation.
The press service of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) also responded to the news on Monday night: they said the provocation, carried out with the help of foreign secret services, about the alleged poisoning of “rookies” of the blogger Alexei Navalny (opposition) with neurotoxin.
According to the FSB, the alleged investigation published by Navalny on the Internet was a planned provocation aimed at the expiration of the security service and its personnel and could not have taken place without the organizational and technical support of the foreign secret services. According to the FSB, the video posted by Navalny with one of his colleagues is a forgery, a trick of the secret service that has been used in anti-Russian actions in the past and that prevents the identity of the real participants in the conversation from being established.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, at his annual press conference, “called the legalization of US intelligence materials an international journalistic investigation that concluded that Navalny had been poisoned by people from the FSB.”