According to the European Commission, we have to pay for the construction of the epidemic EU warehouse, but not according to the Hungarian government.


The European Commission claims it will not give money to build a warehouse base for EU respirators, but according to the Hungarian Interior Ministry, Hungary will not spend a fortune to build the warehouse and already knows exactly what it wants to buy from the warehouse, it said. Nepszava.

In March, the European Commission decided to establish a strategic reserve of respirators, protective masks and other medical devices to help countries where epidemiological equipment and machinery may run out.

There are plans to install such a warehouse in several European countries, and Hungary has also requested it, but for the moment, opinions on exactly who should finance the construction of the warehouse, the European Commission or Hungary, are quite contradictory. In mid-September, a decree from the Hungarian government was published, stipulating that 1.5 billion HUF would be provided to cover VAT applied to the investment and 1.1 billion HUF to cover pre-financing. So it seemed that the Hungarian state was financing the construction of the warehouse, but Tamás Menczer, the secretary of state of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the international presentation of Hungary, said that the project would not cost the Hungarian budget, everything is the union.

For this reason, Népszava approached the European Commission, which continues to say that they will not give money to build a new warehouse, and that the warehouse will not only be able to store EU stock, but also to store equipment and fans belonging to Hungary.The newspaper asked the Interior Ministry again about this, but no response was received until the article was published.

At the moment, it is known that the storage countries will also be responsible for the procurement of epidemiological supplies, but the committee did not say exactly how much money each country will receive to buy ventilators and equipment.

The Interior Ministry, on the other hand, told Népszava what and how much it would take to replenish the warehouse. It read: “465 ventilators (and 1,860 syringe infusion pumps, 465 volumetric infusion pumps, 465 pump docking stations, 465 patient monitoring monitors and 50 central monitoring systems) for the rescEU EU stock and procurement procedure. just for him. intends to acquire “.The newspaper also asked the Home Office if Hungarian ventilator stocks were planned to be stored in the same warehouse where the EU stocks would be kept, thus it was said: “The rescEU warehouse will store EU stocks. Hungarian fans and other devices already purchased cannot be used to replace the rescEU kit. ”

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