According to the chamber, foreign hunters can come without restriction because hunting is an economic activity.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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At the end of August, the Hungarian National Hunting Chamber began to pressure the Ministry of Agriculture to admit foreign hunters despite the epidemic situation, because due to entry restrictions that also affect foreign hunters, the “the red deer season ahead of us turned unpromising and financially unforeseen all at once”.

MTI Photo: Boglárka BodnárPhoto: Bodnár Boglárka

The organization recently reported on its site that

Foreign hunters can come without restriction because, according to their interpretation, the hunting is an economic activity. According to the hunting chamber, this is in line with the government’s easing introduced last week, which says “yes The entry into Hungary is an activity for commercial or economic purposes, the fact of which the non-Hungarian citizen certifies when entering the territory of Hungary, he can enter the territory of Hungary without restrictions ”.

According to the Hunting Chamber, in order for a foreign hunter to enter Hungary, a valid document (signed hunting contract) must be presented at the border proving the legality of the activity.

Previously, it was argued that “a the hunter does not visit the places frequented by tourists during his entry, travels to the field and comes into contact with a minimum number of people (up to 3-5), and hunting is a “sporting” activity that takes place outdoors and without public, no more participants “.

Zsolt Semjén, the most deputy prime minister who deals with hunting, recently spoke about the fact that due to the closure of borders and the regulation of foreign hunters’ own countries, invited hunters cannot come to Hungary this fall, for which would be reasonable for hunters. – Tax exemptions remain in force.

Photo: György Varga / MTI / MTVA

The secretary of the National Association of Hungarian Experts in Hunting Management, Róbert Kása, recently told Inforadio that without foreign huntsmen there is bankruptcy, there is no money for hunting management or tourist services. According to him, a German hunter will spend 10,000 euros in Hungary in a week.

Porridge added that it is mandatory for the authority to establish launch plans that must be implemented. These are carried out by hunting companies or involve paying foreign hunters, from which income is obtained.

The Chamber of Hunters, with the participation of several sectoral experts and epidemiologists, has developed a detailed procedure applicable in an epidemic situation, the observance of which would guarantee the possibility of entry of hunting guests, minimize epidemiological risks and salary income from hunting for the that they have the right to hunt.

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