According to the capital, the curfew could jeopardize Budapest’s supply of fruits and vegetables


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The curfew makes it impossible to supply fruits and vegetables in Budapest, the mayor’s office told MTI on Friday.

Therefore, Mayor Gergely Karácsony wrote a letter to Interior Minister Sándor Pintér so that the access restriction would not destroy the functioning of the wholesale market and would not disrupt the supply of vegetables and fruits to the population of Budapest.

They added that the government decree on the second phase of emergency protection measures, commonly known as access restrictions, prohibits businesses from being open from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., except for employees there, and they must be closed until 5 in the morning.

Although the business concept is not regulated by this decree, the Commercial Law does and, on this basis, the Budapest Wholesale Market complies accordingly. The wholesaler, on the other hand, is traditionally open from 7pm to midnight, ensuring that retailers can expect fresh vegetables and fruits in the morning.

“With this decision, the government will make the functioning of the wholesale market completely impossible, causing harm to hundreds of Hungarian producers and traders, as well as the people of Budapest and, of course, those who live in the area,” the statement said. .

The mayor asked Sándor Pintér to modify the regulation so that it does not apply to those who are engaged in food wholesale activities.

“Until this happens, following the constitutional mandate to comply with common sense in article 28 of the Basic Law, it asked Budapesti Nagybani Piac Zrt. Not to change its previous opening hours in the interest of security of supply,” he added. Gregory’s decision.

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