According to SZFE students, they cannot invalidate their semester with the new government decree because none of the reasons listed there exist in the institution.


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SZFE students reacted to a government decree issued Wednesday that would allow the maintainer to immediately invalidate the semester, even if an action is filed against the decision, which would normally have suspensive effect.

According to the government decree, the maintainer of the university can invalidate the semester in case of an “emergency”. An emergency situation can be a matter of public health or public safety, a natural disaster, or “an unavoidable situation that directly threatens the order of the school year and the exercise of student rights.”

SZFE students write in their press release that “[a] The community of the University of Theater and Film Arts, interpreting the definition of the state of emergency, came to the conclusion that there are no public health, public safety or natural disasters in our institution that make legal compliance with the study obligations impossible. . The order of the academic year and the application of students’ rights directly alone academic semester suspension, indirectly And it is The basic form of transition is threatened

We consider that these dangers can be prevented if the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the legal professional of the foundational rights, takes action against the contrary maintainer.

The Student Government, at the beginning of November, when the illegitimate management tried to suspend the educational activities and the semester, appealed – the suspensive effect of the corresponding administrative action remains in force for the moment.

We hope that the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Cinema does not exercise its newly granted mandate, safe and existing education conditions in our case you can check with the help of evidence-based documentation compiled by the university community, which would be delivered to the Office of Education by the administration appointed by the board of directors, the board that we do not recognize and presumably the board of directors has been in possession of the documentation for weeks. “

In order to address the health emergency in the most effective way possible, the provision through regulatory governance, which allows a maintenance measure that completely ignores the right of opinion of student interest groups, senate and academic leaders, is temporarily deprives the community of all Hungarian higher education institutions of their autonomy. “

When the country expects anti-epidemic measures, the government prioritizes the realization of its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public goods, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and here will be more ideas. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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