According to Pope Francis, the market economy must be rethought


Urges radical international social, political and economic change, including a rethinking of the market economy and reform of the UN Pope Francisco in his third encyclical, All the Brothers, published on Sunday. With the publication of the encyclical, The Roman Osservatore a printed edition of the Vatican newspaper, which has been suspended since the end of March due to the epidemic.

In his Sunday noon address, Pope Francis summed up the encyclical’s message that the period of the coronavirus epidemic showed that caring for human brotherhood and the created world represented the only path to integrated development and peace.

The pandemic is not a divine punishment, but it has shed light on false guarantees,

declared the archbishop. The encyclical was published by Pope Francis on Saturday San Francisco signed in Assisi, but its text was not published until Sunday. October 4 is Remembrance Day.

The first copies of the encyclical were distributed to believers who were listening to the Pope’s words in St. Peter’s Square. It is a circular on a theme chosen by the Catholic Archbishop, addressed to bishops, the priesthood, and believers.

Pope Francis had previously called the document a social encyclical, with fraternity and social friendship as central themes. The beginning of all the brothers (Fratelli tutti in Italian) was inspired by the work of San Francisco, one of the Intelmek lines.

The eight-chapter encyclical is a summary of the first seven years of the Catholic archbishop’s papacy, with various themes previously raised and now deepened by the Pope. The document seeks to answer the fundamental question of how to create a more just and fraternal world, from daily relations with society in general to relations between States and institutions. The encyclical has no secret purpose in creating brotherhood in the world since

We are brothers, children of one God, we all row in the same boat, and in a globalized and interconnected world we can only save together.

The starting point is the document on human brotherhood and world peace, which will be adopted by Pope Francis and Ahmad et-Good, the head of the supreme religious center of Sunni Islam, the main mother of the al-Azhar University and Mosque in Egypt, signed in the United Arab Emirates.

According to Pope Francis, the plan of action outlined in the encyclical is above all a “good policy” that prioritizes the common good, human dignity and job creation over economic interests and privileges human rights over populism. Pope Francis stresses that the coronavirus epidemic also pointed to the shortcomings of a market economy without barriers.

“Global problems require a global solution” according to Pope Francis, who manipulates and distorts both human souls and society, following the logic of market profit only, promoting a “closed world” instead of a “closed world” and proposes the creation of. He considers that a society that turns its back on suffering and considers weak and fragile people to be sick and illiterate is considered ill and illiterate.

The Archbishop stresses that human rights must not be restricted by national borders.

No one can be excluded according to their place of birth, rights cannot be denied to those who come from another place,

the Pope wrote urging the “reception, protection, integration” of migrants. Pope Francis adds that “unnecessary migration must be avoided, creating the necessary living conditions to remain there, but the right of the other to seek a better life elsewhere must be respected.”

The Pope is initiating a reform of the United Nations to transform the organization into a “family of nations.” Calls for the cancellation of the debt of poor states and the establishment of a global fund against hunger. Pope Francis calls for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty and the immediate end of wars that he considers a failure of humanity. It expresses its often-repeated opinion that peace is not a lack of war.

This is the third encyclical of Pope Francis. By faith, a The light of faith (Latin The light of faith) Published in 2013 XVI. Benedict in collaboration with a retired pope. The second encyclical published in 2015 on protecting the created world Be blessed! (Praised), which was also linked to San Francisco.

Pietro Parolin Cardinal, Secretary of State of the Holy See, explaining the encyclical to journalists, Pope Francis sees in fraternity not hope or fashion, but a concrete medium, “a weapon stronger than any weapon.” The encyclical states that “world society has suffered severe structural damage that cannot be remedied with an occasional quick patch,” Cardinal Parolin said.

Featured image: Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP
