According to Péter Erdő, the one-year epidemic strengthened families


While the one-year epidemic has exhausted everyone, many are bitter and experience that attendance, family, kinship and parish relationships have strengthened despite isolation. In a year, it has become natural for community members to pay more attention to each other and not allow themselves or others to be isolated, Cardinal Péter Erdő, archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, told the MTI in Easter. He added that they are not afraid that believers will run away from the church due to the restrictions imposed at the time of the epidemic. For now, “the opposite of this works”, many are calling when to finally attend Mass, where to sacrifice. When asked if humanity would continue to live in the same place after the epidemic where it stopped in early 2020, Forest replied that

he does not expect a huge change, similar to a fracture, but life will never be the same as it was.

The cardinal also spoke about the fact that preparations for the World Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, postponed from autumn 2020 due to the pandemic until September this year, continue during the epidemic, he regularly consults with the Holy See and develops at least three scenarios. according to different possible epidemiological situations. But whatever comes true, everyone has to be prepared, and that is very difficult due to the total uncertainty, “he said. As an example, he mentioned the logistics, invitation and registration of guests from abroad, that it is almost impossible to start with hotels that cannot receive guests and not know when to open them.
