According to NVB, the photo of the playground of the Fidesz candidate in Tiszaújváros did not infringe


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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According to the National Electoral Commission (NEC), it was not against the law for the Fidesz-KDNP candidate who was running in the Tiszaújváros elections to publish a photo taken with children about the renovation of the Szerencs playground on his community page .

An interim parliamentary election will be held on October 11 in the sixth individual constituency of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, which covers the southeastern part of the county, based in Tiszaújváros, to decide on the successor of Ferenc Koncz (Fidesz), who died in July in a traffic accident. The local Fidesz-KDNP organization is launching Zsófia Koncz, daughter of Ferenc Koncz, in the district.

The Electoral Committee of the Individual Parliamentary Constituency of Tiszaújváros (oevb) had previously stated on the basis of an objection from one of the candidates: Zsófia Koncz had violated the principle of equal opportunities between candidates and nominating organizations by publishing a photo of the renewal of the playground with children on your community page.

On Thursday, NVB ruled the appeal against the oevb’s decision and changed the oevb’s decision in a ratio of 10: 1 and rejected the objection.

According to the majority of the committee members, it is not in fact possible to campaign with the participation of children in a public educational institution, but the contested fact, although those children were present, was not carried out in a public educational institution, for what is not against the law; the oevb drew an incorrect conclusion from the data.

At the same time, the NVB confirmed the 6: 5 decision of Tiszaújváros oevb that the photo of Zsófia Koncz with children and teachers at the reformed bilingual primary school Zsigmond Rákóczi and the primary art school in Szerencs was not a violation.

According to the oevb, since the school year started on September 1, and Zsófia Koncz reported that she was in the institution on August 28, when there was no education, students could not stay in school. Therefore, no violation of the Public Education Law could be established and the objection was rejected.

The NVB also resolved the appeal in this case on Thursday and agreed with the oevb, thus confirming the board’s decision that the candidate’s conduct was not illegal. Decisions are not final and can be appealed to the Mansion within three days. (MTI)

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