According to Merkely, there may be around 100,000 coronaviruses in Hungary: more people were infected in 10 days than in the first stage of the epidemic.


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According to the report, Béla Merkely stated that it is impossible to defeat the coronavirus with a single measure, but it would make the use of the mask mandatory, for example.

The more people use it, the more likely we will reduce the reproduction rate. Last week, that number topped two, meaning that at least as many people passed the virus on to an infected person, he said.

The rector noted that the virus was not circulating during the first wave, but after the introduction, the circulation of the infection was at least ten times higher than in the spring.

A representative study conducted by universities showed that approximately twenty times the actual number of confirmed infections

Merkely declared. She added that if the screening strategy and testing strategy did not change, there could be as many as 100,000 patients in Hungary. She also noted that more people have been infected in the past 10 days than in the first phase of the epidemic.

The conversation also revealed that the coronavirus alone could not be stopped by closing the borders, but Merkely would have introduced the border blockade earlier, but the Hungarians apparently did not want that. They were afraid of Croatia, and this fear was confirmed.

He noted that a significant change compared to spring is that most people in their 20s to 30s now contract the virus. He stressed that this is good news on the one hand, since mortality is lower among young people, but at the same time it must be avoided that the coronavirus is transmitted to the elderly.

He stressed that in general there could be more deaths than during the first wave, but, on the one hand, it is too early to say this, and on the other hand, that is exactly why the epidemic should not be released in Hungary. Merkely estimates that the numbers may increase in 3-4 weeks based on foreign examples, but we can slow down this process if we pay conscious attention to older people.

The video of the full conversation can be seen here:

Cover Image Source: / Koszticsák Szilárd
