According to László Bige, not only he but also his family are threatened


According to the billionaire threatened with prison, the prosecution’s charge is ridiculous and unfounded, and the strings are pulled by Sándor Csányi from the background.

As we were the first to report the indictment Wednesday morning, the prosecutor’s office proposed a prison sentence and the confiscation of 135 million forints in bribery. With László Bige, against the billionaire king of fertilizers. The businessman, who was recently the fifth richest man in the country (according to Forbes, his fortune fell from 110 to 92 billion forints in a year, so he returned to 14th place in the newspaper’s ranking), reacted to our newspaper it’s a statement.

“They forgot that I am not an employee who can be bribed, but I am the owner who cannot be bribed for his own money,” he said, adding that the prosecution’s charge is ridiculous and unfounded as part of a cohesive attack on them. Bige believes that the attacks are only partially directed against him, but rather on threats to his family and children. “Which is completely different from him, and it’s good for everyone to think about it.”

He noted that, in addition to unjustified official action against the sulfuric acid plant in Szolnok, NZrt. Trade Kft. He also entered the crossroads of the authorities, along with the two leaders of Nitrogénművek Zrt. In the latter case, the accusation was initially embezzlement, which turned into dishonest treatment during the interrogation of the two employees. There has also been an antitrust proceeding in contract and sales practices in the domestic fertilizer sector since 2011, in which not only the companies in which Bige has interests are involved.

The statement emphasizes that Bige is not accused of bribing anyone,

but he was bribed, which is, to put it mildly, quite ridiculous, given that he is one of the richest people in Hungary.

At the same time, for some reason, the fact that one of the first Hungarian billionaires really cannot be bribed, especially a few tens of millions of forints, does not catch the attention of the authorities. “

Bige emphasized that through his companies he had invested nearly € 500 million in Hungary in the past ten years, so others had not even invested as much “stolen money” in Hungary.

His opponents are using all means against him, threatening that if he does not leave Hungary, he will be jailed, he said, alleging that his malice eventually “took a villain” who denounced him. “About a former manager of a company Mihalovics He is a gentleman who filed for insolvency in 2010 and his assets have been liquidated for over ten years, so he has lost them. Even today, you owe many billions of forints to individuals and companies. Among other things, it belongs to the Bige Holding Group, with around 400 million. He paid his debt, but the bankruptcy trustee recovered it. After ten years, this man recalled that he had bribed László Bige and made a complaint, “the statement read.

Mihálovics complained that after receiving the Bigés products, he sold his black fertilizer without an invoice. However, according to Bige, this is lame, since the deposit agreements were concluded, so the goods belonged to Nitrogénművek, he could not sell it either, because then they would have closed it. “The plaintiff claimed that he had given László Bige a total of HUF 135 million over ten months, but this did not seem to make any sense, since Bige Holding recovered all his debts, not counting the 400 million euros recovered by the bankruptcy trustee. He also acknowledged his debt at the time and paid everything, in part by selling Bigée’s shares even in his company deposited with them to recover the money he owed them. All this happened as a result of a lawsuit or execution, but neither during the aforementioned procedures, nor later, until now, this person remembered that he had paid his debt twice, even if he had bribed it, “said László Bige.

The billionaire believes he could have paid the plaintiff a few tens of millions of forints to testify against what he undertook, “because he has nothing left after he goes bankrupt.” Bige also commented that she did not understand what to do with someone who sold the products they had been purchased without an invoice. There is no point harassing, dragging, “he added.

It is also clear from this story that they are trying to attack them on all fronts, but they have no chance because they are really dilettants, fans and worthless.

He said.

He also noted that it was not by chance that they decided to issue a 7-year bond on behalf of Nitrogénművek Zrt., Since he knew they would be attacked. His opponents, he said, also wanted to avoid issuing bonds because they were confident that they would be able to acquire their small factories should their funds be cut. Systematically and with the participation of state agencies (police, disaster management, prosecution, competition), everything possible is being done to destroy it, but it will not be successful, emphasized László Bige.

The billionaire says it is obvious who is doing this. Sándor Csányi He has been named OTP leader several times as the one who moves the threads from the bottom. According to Bige, the “Sándor Csányi bribe” is also behind the bribery case, although it is obvious that this could not be done without political consent.

In any case, the state now treats the Bigées in a spectacular, well-organized way and as if the destruction of one of the main actors in the Hungarian economy, as well as its acquisition of a bago, in hands close to power, were part of the Economic Protection Action Plan.

– Read in the Communication.

We write about the details of the charge and the background to the case here:

Featured Image: Attila Balázs / MTI
