According to Kunetz, “it is not a war plan, but a desperate haste” that characterizes health management


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The Hungarian health management is working on the basis of “not a war plan, but a desperate haste,” Kunsz Zsombor said on his Facebook page. According to the health expert

The latest procedure governing patient travel released on Saturday is completely at odds with the latest one.

While the September 2 regulation “stipulates, among other things, where and to which hospitals patients in need of hospital care should be transported, the new circular on Saturday already stipulates that suspected cases should be monitored by the infectious diseases department. territorially competent “. the ambulance service has determined the trajectories of the patient. “

However, according to Kunetz, the really big change affects patients with proven moderate to severe COVID:

  • “The September 2 war plan also stated that these patients would be admitted to county hospitals and medical clinics.”
  • On Saturday, however, the fact that “in the case of Budapest and Pest counties, the János Hospital slips as the primary care provider (which just happened according to the news), but in the field the situation It has completely changed, as instead of the previous 18 counties and university clinics, the line has been reduced to five centers. “

It is unclear why their numbers have dropped so drastically. According to Kunetz

“It is likely that, in the interest of the local lobby, a hospital will again be evacuated and fully configured for COVID care. As they did in the spring.”

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
