According to Kásler, gathering the bones of King Matthias can help him survive the epidemic.


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In an interview with the Hungarian Nation, Miklós Kásler, the Minister of Human Resources, who is also responsible for health care, spoke about the assembly of the bones of King Matías. One of the questions, which was not really a question, was rather a suggestion that “according to one article, I should spend more time dealing with the epidemic than looking for the bones of the Hunyadians,” Kásler responded at length, explaining which one. it was his goal. work was. and how much did he do last Thursday.

For example

  • “He saw the wooden coffin open,
  • the beautiful gothic Pauline church,
  • informed of the excavations,
  • discussed joint cultural programs with the Bishop of Varaždin and representatives of the Croatian Ministry of Culture,
  • and participated in the burial and blessing of the remains.

He then explained that the Ministry of Human Resources has nine sectors, to which he added that

“Although controlling the epidemic is a priority right now, it cannot be forgotten,” he said, “it is culture and science that can help people get through this difficult time.”

and trusts that “many will follow with interest the new archaeogenetic-historical investigations.”

(TV news)

