According to Judit Varga, due to the liberal dictatorship, European politicians do not dare to take her opinion as boldly as the Hungarian government does.


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One of the events of the close-government Transit Festival planned for late August would have been a debate between Justice Minister Judit Varga and Anna Donáth, Momentum MEP, but the festival was delayed due to the epidemic. The conversation was replaced on Tuesday, in front of a few dozen viewers, but was streamed live on Facebook.

It occurred to the organizers that the topic of the debate was already the situation of the Hungarian rule of law, and this week there is a lot of news: the European Commission will publish the report on the rule of law of all member states on Wednesday, and Viktor Orbán demanded it on Tuesday. from the President of the Commission to dismiss Vice President Vera Jourová and the EU Commissioner for speaking with Spiegel about illiberal democracy instead of illiberal democracy, that is, sick democracy.

These recent events also provided the starting point for Tuesday’s conversation, which had particularly heated moments and was without a hitch one of the best political debates at home in recent years.

Judit Varga came up with the recently raised Fidesz narrative, saying at an early point in the debate that she did not consider it appropriate for Momentum to be educated, as the party was preparing to form a partisan alliance with Ferenc Gyurcsány, who committed very serious abuses in 2006. In any case, the course turned towards Varga, as the conversation was led by KESMA reporter Andrea Földi-Kovács, who repeatedly tried to ask Donáth about his possible alliance with Gyurcsány or Jobbik in the first half of the discussion . Is Donáth worried?

Donáth Anna

Although Anna Donáth said that the Momentum did not exist much in 2006, the party never claimed that everything had been fine in Hungary before 2010, nor that a change of government wanted to return to that world. According to the MEP, the fact that the opposition has to think about partisan alliances is the result of the electoral law created by Fidesz, which practically diverts the opposition parties into a monolithic bloc.

The two politicians also debated a series on the nature of the rule of law: Judit Varga considered that there is no clear definition of the rule of law, there is a maximum of scientific debate between recognized constitutional lawyers, we do not have an absolute good or bad idea about it. . The Hungarian Government Minister also spoke about the fact that after 2006, he worked as a young lawyer in Brussels, helping Fidesz MPs with translations into English, among other things, and saw how disinterested he was in the events of 2006 .

Donáth, for his part, spoke about the fact that the rule of law must be interpreted as a framework in which democracy and human rights can be realized, and that does not question human dignity, and according to him it does not exist today in Hungary .

Varga had already asked him at that time what momentum had been going out to Brussels, insulting his own country, and in the meantime those moral issues were not being discussed, how to join forces with Jobbik, for example. With Donáth’s objection that the Momentum did not even exist in 2006, Varga admitted that the party was formed later, but was immediately conceived in sin, as they took the Olympic dream of the Hungarian people. (By the way, Momentum just wanted to call a referendum on the Budapest Olympics, after which the government backed down.)

In the debate on the reception of the events of 2006 in Brussels at that time, Donáth suggested that he was also a supporter of the constructive debates that Varga had previously convened, but that it was the first time they sat down to discuss them, they could not be in the public television and dream murders are taking place, although they do not represent the interests of Brussels, but voters who do not agree with Fidesz policy, those who think that it is not only inhumane when the police turn a blind eye, but also when segregation by evading it, they pass new laws when they take money from those whose increase would necessarily require subsidies, or with those who think that the kind of corruption, the total looting of EU funds for power, is unacceptable.

Judit Varga

Varga repeatedly said that he only wanted to understand Momentum’s politics in the interests of the Hungarian electorate, but Donáth spoke a little later that Fidesz had fallen below 50 percent in the last election due to the “disproportionate and unfair” electoral law, but two thirds. received and meanwhile they do not go to the commission meetings initiated by the opposition, the ranks of the extraordinary debates called by the opposition are empty, which on a partisan political level, although Donáth, is arrogant and brusque, but even acceptable as a government of the whole nation.

Then there were other minutes on the rule of law: according to Varga, when nothing concrete can be proven, the claim that the big picture is bad is raised in Brussels at the communist pace, while according to Donáth, it is possible to mark all the elements in the various checklists. but it doesn’t matter much if a party soldier has been put in charge. Varga said that

Péter Polt is not a party soldier, as he is not a member of Fidesz, and look at Donáth, how many politicians are currently being investigated from all sides.

Gypsy recovery programs were also discussed (Judit Varga emphasized the positive example of Lívia Járóka), and according to the minister, the Hungarian results are also recognized in the EU, and after Donáth suggested why the MET, the Igazgyöngy Alapítvány Praising the support of the Ambedkar school, Varga once again praised the government’s work, saying that these are some special cases and that the thousands of children they have cared for so far will be adequately cared for by other organizations. According to the minister, everything in this area is done according to the corresponding official procedures, as in a state governed by the rule of law.

After discussing the situation of the European and Hungarian minorities, the question of the rule of law was raised again when Anna Donáth raised whether the government should not think about why politicians on so many sides in Brussels think there is a problem in Hungary and Judit Varga. She explained that they shouldn’t read so many Guardians and Spiegels, and anyway, they’re among those politicians who tell you completely different things in the elevator.

Varga was here fully representing Fidesz’s narrative that Sargentini and his friends had made their report and abstained from counting the votes, and Donáth asked why the majority of the Popular Party, of which Fidesz was a member, accepted the report, and the Hungarian minister explained. :

“Unfortunately, the problem is that there is a level of liberal dictatorship in Europe, especially what comes from the media, is that the politician who dares to take his own opinion and not just in the elevator anyway and we He says that but it’s good that you’re free, they could talk to him, that’s why his public opinion is doing it at home. Unfortunately, we live in a world like this, I like it, I don’t like it, that’s all. ”

Soon after, he said about the discussions with the Popular Party:

“Fidesz has always been where it is now”

But according to the minister, on the other hand, the world is going in a very aggressive liberal direction and the Popular Party does not have a strong leadership that can stop this process.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

