According to János Slavik, the closure of schools would cause a health tragedy


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At the beginning of the interview, János Slavik stated that a sad record had been set, we had lost most of our compatriots to the coronavirus on November 6 since the start of the epidemic, 107 people died from the infection in one day. And in the last 24 hours, Covid-19 has claimed 103 lives.

Some say we should expect even worse numbers, but we’ll see

– the chief infectologist of the Central South Pest Hospital told the newspaper.

He points out that the average age of patients is also steadily increasing, while in late summer, early fall, most of the younger people were affected, while now they are getting older. By the way, he also explained that the death rate in intensive care units is constantly increasing.

Slavik also spoke about the uncertainty about the peak of the epidemic, as he said that until now he thought that the plateau stage would be in November, but now he believes that no one can say what will happen. South Pest Central Hospital’s Chief Infection Physician stated in connection with the strict restrictive measures announced Monday and effective as of midnight today,

All these measures take effect after a minimum of two weeks, so it is difficult to say anything about them.

He said, however, that it is not pro-school, not only because this virus is the least dangerous for children, but also because it is

If the primary schools were closed, all the professionals, nurses, young doctors would stay home with the child, and that would be a tragedy for health care. He added that parents should not worry about the child, but about themselves and their grandparents.

John Slavik also spoke about it

It is clear that if an intensive care unit is expanded one and a half times, one and a half times more workers will be needed to care for patients.

He added that this problem would be solved through redistribution, but could not give an accurate picture of how many doctors and health professionals came from other institutions.

In the interview, János Slavik also spoke about the course of the disease, in which he believes that drowning is the most terrible symptom.

The most horrible experience in the life of a man is that even if he takes a breath, he does not have enough, he feels like they are sitting on his chest, “he stated. He added that these patients are first treated with oxygen therapy, if it is not used, unfortunately, a fan is unavoidable.

Cover image source: MTI / Attila Kovács
