According to Gulyás, Fidesz’s membership of the Popular Party is only a technical question


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Fidesz has not undergone a general change as the European People’s Party (EPP), the largest Hungarian ruling party, still represents and preserves the traditional Christian Democrat, conservative values ​​and family image, Prime Minister Gergely Gulyás told Markus Söder in response to a statement by the president of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU), provincial prime minister.

Despite the CSU being one of Fidesz’s most important European allies for a long time, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder said on Friday that Fidesz had to leave the People’s Party and said the Hungarian party had moved away from the Christian Democratic principles.

Gergely Gulyás said that Fidesz had decided to leave the European Parliament faction of the European People’s Party precisely to end the years of dependency. (No, by the way, Viktor Orbán wrote to Manfred Weber about Fidesz’s departure after the Popular Party faction adopted the new rules by a large majority, which could have sanctioned Fidesz.)

The Fidesz politician said he agreed with the Bavarian prime minister’s statement that the EPP was not a right-wing party. That is why the paths of Fidesz and EPP are separated. According to Gulyás, Fidesz is a conservative, center-right Christian Democratic party.

The debate here is that Söder called the CSU position a civic center, while Fidesz called it a right-wing party, but this is unique to German political parlance, where the right is already typically understood by far-right parties and conservatives. don’t make much use of this category. In any case, Gulyas stuck to it and said that it well showed the extent of the Pauline turn still being said by the then legendary Bavarian Prime Minister Franz Josef Strauss, who had been president of the CSU for more than a quarter of a century (in 1986, although Gulyás does not mention it) to the right of the CSU can only be the wall. By comparison, the current Bavarian prime minister said his party was not a right-wing party, Gulyás added.

We continue to represent what Franz Josef Strauss said: “Our national sovereignty prevails more in a strong Europe. The Bavarian faction of the EPP says there is no national sovereignty,” Prime Minister Manfred Weber said, saying (This is what Weber sent Boris Johnson in the Brexit debate anyway).

Responding to a question from Gulyas, he said that Fidesz’s membership in the EPP was only a technical matter, the break with the faction was the first important step, but it was not clear in his answer if they would leave later. Literally, Viktor Orbán said the same thing on Friday in his usual radio interview about the relationship between the Popular Party and Fidesz.

The Hungarian minister even spoke about the fact that today the People’s Party has not only denied the legacy of the former Helmut Kohl or Franz Josef Strauss, but also cannot tolerate parties in its ranks that are clearly opposed to migration and believe that the model Traditional family and family policies are of the utmost importance. The Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office agrees with Markus Söder that good interstate relations should not be affected by the fact that in the future the trade union parties and the largest Hungarian ruling party will belong to different party families . To this end, the Hungarian Chancellor will hold an online conversation with his German counterpart, Chancellor Braun, on March 16.

