According to Gábor Iványi, the last time they tried to concentrate power in one hand with fascist laws was the era of fascism.


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Gábor Iványi, the leader of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood, announced at an online press conference on Friday that the national movements would organize from next Monday because they found the way the government treated them unacceptable. According to a Telex report, Iványi spoke of his church’s symbolic struggle, and the last time they tried to concentrate power in one hand with laws like the current one was during fascism.

“We want Hungary to return to the legal, just and humane path so that we can regain the status we fought for in the one-party system between 1973 and 1981 to be a well-established and recognized church.”

The newspaper quoted the church leader, who had previously branded Viktor Orbán a fascist, as saying that was why Orbán was so angry with the pastor with whom he previously had a much more cordial relationship.

Iványi also said on Friday that an online petition had been launched to restore the ecclesiastical status of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood. According to the pastor, “it has become clear what attacks the Hungarian government is launching through the NAV” against them, and in the last wonderful days, great people have offered the church almost 6 million florins.

The Protection Charity Association announced on Monday that NAV had debited the MET account with a total of more than HUF 246 million. According to the Association, there was a late payment surcharge of HUF 90 million. According to the church, they were unable to pay their debts because they did not receive the subsidies they were owed from the state. Due to what happened, immediate legal protection was requested from the Mansion.

“Until 2010, we did not have a penny of public debt, but once this current company entered the government, it illegally annulled our church status, cut one percent of personal income taxes, church applications, additional grants. We are constantly suing, we could do something else. The last time the European Court of Human Rights awarded three million euros in 2017, at the then exchange rate of 935 million HUF, it was the first time to restore our fiscal deficit to zero. “

Iványi previously said in an interview with Although, according to the Strasbourg judgment, the MET had been illegally deprived of its ecclesiastical status, the court only ordered the Hungarian state to pay the arrears, not to liquidate the ecclesiastical status. At the same time, the MET has received at least its technical number 0444, so after at least several years of omission, the church can be offered 1 percent again at tax time, but this only it can be received next year. as soon.

In the fall of 2020, when the association, which also plays an important role in caring for the homeless, was threatened with the closure of public services due to debt, we conducted an interview with Gábor Iványi:

