According to Fidesz in Győr, it is vomiting that Kornél Mundruczó wore a #FreeSZFE T-shirt at the Venice Film Festival


They explained the reason to the world press.

As we have previously reported, a Venice International Film Festival will have its world premiere in its competition program Kornél Mundruczó Pieces of a woman whose movie Martin Scorsese The Oscar-winning director joined as executive producer.

(from left to right) Producer Viktória Petrányi, American producer Kevin Turen, Kata Wéber, British actress Vanessa Kirby and Kornél Mundruczó at the premiere of Pieces of a Woman on September 5, 2020 / Photo: Tiziana Fabi / AFP

Will attend the press conference Vanessa Kirby and Ellen burstynand Mundruczó director, Weber Kata scriptwriter and Petrányi Viktória producer.

Mundruczó, Petrányi and Wéber appeared on the red carpet with a t-shirt titled #FreeSZFE, and at the press conference they explained the reason to the world press.

As it has been known since then Attila Vidnyánszky he became chairman of the board of directors of the foundation that maintained the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, arbitrarily appointed by the government, and has since dominated public discourse and daily events.

Mundruczó and Wéber at the press conference of the Venice International Film Festival, 05/09/2020 / Photo: Tiziana Fabi / AFP

Several demonstrations, a poetic demonstration or the latest live network demonstration have been organized, but many well-known institutions, organizations and individuals have supported SZFE, from the Hungarian Filmmakers Association to more than 160 writers and poets to the German Maxim Gorky Theater. In Berlin. a demonstration was even organized.

Zoltán Mucsi: The water comes out when things are done in the culture with the murder of characters

According to Zoltán Mucsi, there is no “Szemernyi wisdom” in handling the case of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts (SZFE). In an interview with Response Online, he acknowledged that there was obviously a flaw in the way acting works and that there was no situation that couldn’t be improved, but “in this way, however, it is that they don’t even sit with leadership interim, unprecedented.

Attila Vidnyánszky however, according to him, parties use students as a tool.

Győr Fidesz: Vomiting

Although in Győr Fidesz did not comment as chiseled as Vidnyánszky, but they also have a strong opinion on the case around SZFE, more precisely MundruczóWedge Bracket – You just called it vomiting in a Facebook post.

Fidesz Facebook post in Győr

Facebook posting a Hungarian voice found, the article also added: Fidesz is the president of the Győr constituency Simon Róbert Balázs Member of Parliament, who is also Vice Chairman of the Parliament’s Cultural Committee.

Lili Horváth and Natasa Stork were also FreeSZFE

Mundruczó, Petrányi and Weber Additionally, others also spoke with a t-shirt titled #FreeSZFE at the press conference.

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Horváth Lili director Prepare for an indefinite period of time together The world premiere of his film was also held on Saturday at 5 p.m. Venice International Film Festival On the Giornate degli Autori competition program. The director and the protagonist of the film, Stork He also appeared in a t-shirt titled #freeszfe at the press event. They were both Performing Arts students.

Fidesz in Győr has yet to respond to this, only that the Facebook entry in question has been removed.
