According to Czech President Zeman, the Visegrad countries should support Hungary and Poland in the budget debate.


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Andrzej Duda (b) and Milos Zeman (j) at their joint press conference after their meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, in Prague.Photo: ONDREJ DEML / AFP

“The Visegrad Group should speak with one voice together with Poland and Hungary in the two countries’ discussions with the European Commission on the EU budget and the recovery fund,” Czech President Milos Zeman said in Prague on Wednesday. after talking with Polish President Andrzej Duda.

During a few hours of business visit, Duda presented the described solution to Zeman. Zeman assessed this as good news, as he said, Duda reported that “a compromise could be reached that satisfies both Polish and Hungarian interests.” You can find out about this commitment described in the article by Péter Magyari.

Duda added so much to Zeman’s words that there was still work to be done on the deal. (Via MTI)

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