According to an amendment to the regulation, domestic partners and singles can only be considered after the adoption of a child by married couples.


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An amendment to the regulation has made it more difficult for unmarried couples and singles to adopt, write to

Until now, the legislation has not favored couples who want to adopt while married. The law only establishes that if the child protection service “finds a person who intends to adopt a child with whom, according to the data and information available, an adequate relationship between parents and children can be expected,” it will contact the person you want to adopt.

This has now been modified by Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, to:

“If there are no suitable couples for the child who are suitable for adoption within its jurisdiction, the specialized service must, within 5 working days, notify the national adoption body in order to facilitate the adoption of the child by the marriage in another specialized service. Live. ”

That is, if none of the couples on the national list meets, single people can be considered, which may include their spouses, because the decree does not say a word about them.

Several have interpreted the ordinance as an attack on homosexuals, but in fact many more single and unmarried heterosexual couples want to be adopted than are now affected by the ordinance.

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