According to a Republican Institute poll, Jobbik has met DK and Momentum


According to the Republican Institute’s March Party Preferences Poll, support for Fidesz-KDNP declined even more, albeit minimally, in March: it fell by 1-1 percentage points to 29 percent of the total population and 45 percent among party voters, Telex wrote.

DK, Jobbik, and Momentum also account for 9 percent of the total population, as DK lost, Jobbik gained 1 percentage point. They are followed by the MSZP with 6 percent, Diálogo, the MKKP, the LMP and Nuestro País also represent 1-1 percent of the total population.

Péter Jakab, Jobbik’s keynote speaker, will speak in 2021-27. in the political debate on the use of EU funds in the plenary session of Parliament on March 22, 2021.Photo: Attila Kovács / MTI / MTVA

According to the Republic, the opposition coalition continues to be stronger than the Fidesz-KDNP among the entire population (35-29%) and also among party voters (53-45%).

The survey, conducted between March 18 and 25, surveyed 1,000 people by phone and is representative of the country’s adult population by gender, age, education and type of settlement. (Telex)
