According to a doctor who works there, Győr hospital was full of married coronavirus patients.


Győr hospital is substantially full of COVID-positive married patients, slowly there are coronavirus patients instead of all the previous wards, a doctor from the institution wrote on his Facebook page.

According to an article on, Bernadett Csipszer said that at the hospital, his colleagues are currently fighting for patients in three intensive care units compared to the previous one.

2 intensive care units COVID intensive, 1 intensive care unit for uninfected patients. Patients come and go, younger, positive patients who become intensive. Not 80+, but 50+, 40+ or ​​less. According to hardworking colleagues, anyone who hooks up to a fan sadly has little chance of survival. They can save few patients. Who is an intensive specialist is used to fighting, to dying, but not to what is happening now.

He said.

He also writes in his post that hospitals in neighboring counties are full, the mobile epidemic hospital is close to getting married, intensive care doctors are calling each other to try to find another place for their patients intensively because they can no longer put to the patient where.

And meanwhile, care for other patients (accidents, heart attacks, strokes, poisonings, childbirth, etc., etc.) is just as necessary and they are no less than usual.


Bernadett Tweak asked everyone to keep the number of appointments to a minimum and adhere to epidemiological measures, as well as to think before beginning to criticize health workers who work for patients at risk in their lives in the current situation.

Featured image: MTI / Csaba Krizsán
