A Viennese assassin set up a barricade at his apartment in preparation for a possible fire duel with the police


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The 20-year-old man, who killed four people and injured several in central Vienna on November 2, prepared his apartment for a possible shooting with police, the Austrian news agency APA said on Wednesday, citing its own sources. .

According to the APA, the furniture was put together in Kujtim Fejzulai’s apartment on Wagramer Street to provide cover in the event of a fire duel with the police. The apartment was searched by authorities shortly after the murder.

According to the APA, all this suggests that the Fejzulai wanted to prepare for the possibility that the police would know in time the preparations for the murder and visit his home. Another option is that he hoped to survive the act of terror and fend for himself in his apartment.

During the day, the director of a Muslim cemetery in the Liesing district of Vienna refused to bury the killer.

“Allah will explain, but we felt that we also had to do something,” Ali Ibrahim, director of the tomb garden, said in a statement to the Austrian newspaper Kurier. The earthly remains of the perpetrator would have been placed in this cemetery.

“He is a murderer who kills innocent people and thus harms all Muslims,” ​​Ibrahim explained. He also said that several believers had indicated that they would not want to “lie with a murderer.”

It is not yet clear where their heads will be buried. An alternative would be another Muslim cemetery in Vorarlberg, or possibly North Macedonia.

On November 2, an Austrian from an Albanian family in North Macedonia killed four people and wounded 23 in central Vienna. The perpetrator was shot and killed by the police, killed on the spot. The attack was carried out by a terrorist organization called the Islamic State. (MTI)

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