A video I didn’t want to see: Nébih crashed into an Asian restaurant


Experts from the National Office for Food Chain Safety (Nébih) revealed serious deficiencies in a Far Eastern restaurant in Budapest in early October, which also posed a risk to food safety. The catering unit’s activities were immediately suspended by inspectors due to the general impurity found there, as well as raw materials that could not be traced and had expired and shelf life.

During inspections in recent weeks, Nébih specialists found serious hygiene deficiencies in a Far Eastern restaurant in Budapest. The unit operator was unable to present either the special permit required to carry out the activity or the workers’ health certificate.

According to information published on the Nébih website, in addition to basic documentation deficiencies, the hygiene problems in each one’s facilities, but even in the yard, were mutually exclusive. Among other things, the server and sideboard were not suitable for storing contaminated and hygienic food. In the single sink behind the sink, the drain was dirty and food was being stored on the floor, which was also in objectionable condition.

Raw vegetables, frozen foods, raw pasta and meat were stored together in the refrigerated rooms of the particularly dirty kitchen, posing a serious food safety risk. Equipment items were dirty and inspectors found disgusting liquids of unknown origin around the kitchen equipment.

There was general dirt in the cold rooms of the unit. Coolers located in the courtyard were no exception, for example, marinated meat and fresh pasta were stored in a semi-covered place in the upper part of the freezer. In addition, the floor and side wall of the guest bathroom were dirty and the conditions for hygienic hand washing were not provided.

Due to deficiencies in the restaurant, Nébih suspended the unit with immediate effect. At the same time, the experts immediately recalled almost 350 kg of untraceable and expired food and food with shelf life from the market, banned its marketing and ordered the destruction of food of animal origin.

The unit will only be able to continue its operations after the food safety deficiencies have been completely remedied and after a favorable on-site inspection by the authority.

The procedure and the determination of the fine are in progress, according to the list of publications of Nébih, this is the restaurant of Petiga Kft. On Ipoly street:

Featured image: Nébih / YouTube
