A tourist empire was built with EU money on the property of the Fidesz MP


On the property of Sándor Kovács, Member of the Fidesz Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county parliament, tourism investments were established with a non-refundable subsidy of HUF 60 million. Although Kovács did not officially receive the money and had nothing to do with it, the winners, the association company run by his son and his wife, were not registered in the deed of ownership. On the other hand, the official representative, who would be interested in modifying the cadastral records after five years, did not tell the truth about all this. Nyírség report, where the Kovács see politics as a family business.

Guest house, philagory, tourist demonstration house and “boat accommodation” built with almost 60 million non-refundable HUF from the European Union. Sándor Kovács in the family property of a member of the Fidesz Parliament of Nyírség –

One of the interesting things about investments is that the ownership of the buildings raised with public funds was declared by the pro-government politician very differently when the property ownership sheet shows it. In addition, there are some “tourist destinations” whose traceability has not been found either locally or on the Internet.

The family business is political

Since 2014, Sándor Kovács has been a member of the Fidesz Parliament in the fifth constituency of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, which also includes Mátészalka. He resides in Géberje, one of the easternmost points of the country, barely five hundred enthusiasts, where he was mayor for ten years before becoming vice president of the county assembly in 2010 and four years later as a deputy. In last year’s municipal elections, the representative’s son, Dániel Sándor Kovács he became the leader of the village, also in the colors of Fidesz-KDNP. In the Kovács family, politics is a family business anyway, and they profess it themselves. Brother of Sándor Kovács in Fülpösdaróc, adjacent to Géberjén, Csaba Kovács since 1994, the mayor has been able to win without interruption, independently and in the colors of Fidesz.

Sándor Kovács, Fidesz deputy and his son, Dániel Sándor Kovács, mayor of Géberjén. Photo: Márton Mohos /24.hu

It is clear from his resume that Sándor Kovács, who graduated as a diesel locomotive mechanic, graduated from MÁV in the social field in 1998, became deputy director of a nursing home, and in 2003 he graduated as a social worker (already as mayor). He is proud to have founded one of the largest employers in the region, the Association “Bien y Bien” in the Szatmár Micro-Region, in the small settlement of Szabolcs, of which he was president for years, until he handed over the management to his wife.

The Géberén association, which mainly employs people with disabilities, has grown enormously since then and also performs some typically municipal tasks. Even the son of the deputy mayor works here full time, in an organization much larger than the local government, and leads the village in social work.

In recent years, several billion guilders of non-refundable funds from the European Union have reached Géberjén and the region, and one of the main beneficiaries is the association, which has obtained aid for tourism investments, among others. The shortcomings of these will be addressed in the next part of our series. In the first place, we highlight the investments that were made in the family farm of Sándor Kovács.

The Fidesz estate was embellished with EU money

The Kovács family lives on the banks of the Holt-Sgamos, where an old farmhouse was renovated and another house with a pool next to it was built. The plot next to the property is owned by Sándor Kovács and his mother. On this estate, the Tündérmez was guesthouse was built with EU funds with a belonging philagoria, as well as a tourist exhibition house with the corresponding boathouse.

Tündérmező Guesthouse is owned by Sándor Kovács. Photo: Márton Mohos /24.hu

However, the Brussels grant of almost HUF 60 million was not obtained by the owners of the plot, Sándor Kovács and his mother, but the company “Jót s Jól” owned by the Association in the Szatmár Micro-Region and son of Kovács.

Among other things, due to this construction we visited Géberjén, where we were able to speak with the mayor for the first time. Dániel Sándor Kovács said that the tourist demonstration house on the estate is his private property and he won EU funds for it even when he was not mayor, because the buildings were built five years ago. As you said, almost all of the EU money is built on the deal; otherwise I would not go. We also asked the mayor about applications and various matters affecting the municipality, but he said most of our questions:

Let’s hope this tree, he will be able to tell you details.

Sándor Kovács arrived shortly after and began by saying that we came to the settlement for political reasons. We asked the Fidesz representative several questions, so we also asked about the details of the tourism investments built with the support of the EU on his property. To this, he said for the first time, he said, the media had “given the task” of “dismantling” the wealth, property and EU projects of individual MPs in the 45-50 constituency where the candidates of the opposition could have a chance to win.

Photo: Márton Mohos /24.hu

He then went on to say details, such as the fact that half of the nearly 60 million HUF in EU support for the partially owned parcel was won by the association company run by his wife, which has nothing to do with it. . And the other half he gave to his son as a private individual. He added that although he was involved in evaluating the applications, he did not vote for his son to participate. That was recorded in the minutes, he said. However, although we asked him for the document, he wrote that he did not have the minutes. He added that as an owner, he does not charge rent for the use of the land neither to the association nor to his son.

I do not do this work for material wealth, but for the development of the community.

He said.

Five years was not enough

We also asked the politician how the deed shows how, although the parcel belongs to him and his mother, the superstructures are owned by others. The politician said that this is registered and that he has no authority over the buildings during the five-year maintenance period. Subsequently, the parties must agree.

Property of the Kovács family. Photo: Márton Mohos /24.hu

But in the title deed requested from the land office, there is no sign that the properties on the parcel are owned by others. Therefore, we address the official politician again, this time in writing. He responded to the controversy around tourist buildings erected five years ago by:

The real estate use agreement that must appear in the title deed is in progress.

So, five years was not enough for the Herreros to register the owners in the land office, this seems to be due only to our interest.

There is no sign that the tourist showroom is working

During their visit to Géberjén, Sándor Kovács and his son showed almost all the EU investments that were made in the settlement, but the tourist destinations built on the property of the Fidesz representative were omitted. It is so true that the Pensión Tündérmező is open, anyone can book accommodation on the World Wide Web, but we found no trace of the tourist demonstration house, according to the fisherman, which was built with the support of Kovács Jr., either locally or on the Internet. That is why we asked the deputy, who gave an evasive answer:

The building functions as a tourist demonstration house, operated by Szatmár Nektárja Nonprofit Kft. (Association property – ed.), Based on an operating contract with Dániel Kovács, which was approved by the managing authority.

(To be continue.)

Featured image: Márton Mohos / 24.hu
