A sign of alien civilization may have come from the nearest star


The presence of an alien civilization could also be indicated by a radio signal coming from Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun, writes science news portal Futurism, citing an article in The Guardian. SETI researchers have launched an investigation.

The radio signal was found by the Australian Parkes Telescope as part of the Breakthrough Listen program, founded by Stephen Hawking, in search of extraterrestrial life forms. According to the researchers involved in the work, the signal now detected is reminiscent in many ways of “Wow!” sign. The latter was a strong narrow-band radio signal; it had characteristics that suggested a descent from a possible extraterrestrial civilization and was completely different from the background cosmic noises.

The Proxima Centauri signal is peculiar in several ways, experts say. On the one hand, its frequency is around 980 MHz, that is, it is probably emitted by a non-human spacecraft, and on the other hand, it originates on the surface of a planet orbiting a star based on the change in frequency.

Astronomers know of only one planet in the system and it orbits in the habitable zone, which means there may be liquid water on its surface.

A swarm of fantasies on the surface of Proxima bSource: Wikimedia Commons

Of course, most experts are skeptical of the discovery. The doubts are fueled, among other things, by the fact that significant information cannot yet be read from the signal, and that the planet Proxima b revolves around a red dwarf, better known for its increased activity and devastating eruptions.

Astronomers continue to study the signal.
