A series of international crises will soon erupt around Joe Biden’s neck


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Iran and the Middle East

For decades, it has been a major headache for current US presidents to resolve the long-standing and turbulent conflicts in certain Middle Eastern countries, and it will be no different when Joe Biden takes power.

The United States and its allies say Iran is currently the biggest threat to stability in the region.Since the Persian country has intervened in many regional conflicts and also has its own nuclear program. Although the Shiite country formally agreed to limit the development of nuclear weapons with the United States and other countries in 2015, the ink on the paper was barely dry when Donald Trump kicked the treaty in May 2018 and cut new sanctions on Iran.

During his campaign, Joe Biden promised to bring the United States back to the 2015 nuclear deal, but that would hardly suspend armed support for Iran by the Syrian government, the 20 Yemenis or the Lebanese Hezbollah, which opposes American interests.

Further, if Biden lifts the sanctions imposed by Trump, the pressure on the Iranian economy is decreasing, the persians will have more money raise the standard of living of the population, create jobs, but at the same time directly and indirectly also for armament and military training. It is also important to note that it is conceivable that the Ayatollah’s rhetoric could be alleviated if the United States backs down on the nuclear negotiation, but They are unlikely to be eliminated against the Arab allies of the United States and Israel. indirect and direct, verbal and physical attacks.

It’s clear, then, that Joe Biden sees a step back from the JCPA bound for Obama as a good solution to limit Iran’s nuclear weapons, but it is still unclear how the next president plans to address the non-nuclear threat posed by Iran.

Furthermore, there is even a civil war in Syria, Libya, Yemen, de facto Afghanistan and many African countries, which Biden, as the reigning American president, cannot ignore either, as American troops are stationed in several of those countries. Still there Turkey as the country with the second largest army in NATO moving away from the United States, it has also intervened in a number of regional conflicts, in some cases in direct confrontation with local militias backed by the United States.

It is also important to note that the United States is an ally the reconciliation process between the Arab countries and Israel was led by Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who will probably leave the negotiation process in the absence of the president. Although Bahrain, the Emirates and more or less Oman have also contacted Israel to normalize their relationship, With Kushner gone, it is questionable how Saudi Arabia, the Middle East’s largest economy, will move.

So it looks like Joe Biden is going to be a headache for the Middle East too, and although As a senator and vice president, he has previously supported military intervention in many countries and will hopefully have a more peaceful policy in the region as president; the democratic politician. However, what the outcome will be is unpredictable in the fickle Middle East.

North Korea

The denuclearization of North Korea and a Korean peace began as the most spectacular success of the Trump administration, but in the end it turned out to be nothing, in fact, North Korea’s nuclear program was a success at the end of the presidential term and Kim Jongun is already threatening Asia and the continental United States with dozens of nuclear weapons.

During your campaign Joe biden avoided the North Korean issue and only criticized Donald Trump for saying he had too close contact with Kim Jongun, but nor did it formulate a substantive solution to the denuclearization of North Korea. There is only one sentence about North Korea in its electoral program:

In North Korea, President Biden will support our negotiators and launch a coordinated campaign with our allies and others like China to achieve our common goal of a denuclearized North Korea.

Resolving the Korean situation is likely not necessarily a priority for Bidenk, the level of personal involvement shown by Trump around 2017-2018 is unlikely to emerge under the Biden presidency. Most likely, he will send a negotiating brigade to Korea rather than himself and pressure China to convince North Korea of ​​the need for denuclearization. Based on these

The Biden government can hardly be expected to resolve the situation in the next four years if the DPRK’s economy is not shrinking so much under the weight of sanctions that the country’s leadership ultimately decides to denuclearize for some reason.

It is also important to note that the DPRK has made it clear that it does not want to negotiate with Joe Biden and despises the next president of the United States. THE The state news agency KCNA, which is also a spokesperson for the Korean Workers’ Party, called Bident an insane old man, a rabid dog who must be beaten to death with a stick.


As the world’s second-largest economy, China will receive far more attention than it did before from President Joe Biden, who will likely prioritize resolving the trade conflict started by Donald Trump.

Biden is not expected to eliminate the tariffs imposed on China overnight, nor is his method of negotiating similar to that of the former president. The role of unexpectedly huge criminal tariffs will likely be taken over by contested concessions after long and drawn out negotiations, and China will also have a good chance of escaping responsibility for the coronavirus at the level planned by President Trump.

Regardless of the negotiation technique, Biden promises that

  • bans tech companies from repairing China’s mass surveillance machinery,
  • like Trump, he’s trying to lure American businesses home,
  • want to support domestic innovation that, in your view, would give the United States a competitive advantage,
  • Unify world trade conditions through international trade and labor standards and limit China’s room for maneuver through multilateral agreements.
  • pressure China to reduce its ecological footprint,
  • He would continue to support the autonomy of Hong Kong and Taiwan and crack down on China’s expansion into the South China Sea, but it is not yet clear whether he would change anything in the toolbox compared to Trump.

Both the Chinese stock markets and the yuan reacted strongly to Biden’s victory, a testimony from the market also expects US stocks to relax.

Russia and the Ukraine crisis

An area where Joe Biden is still It could be more difficult than Trump, it’s about taking action against Russia.


Joe biden has come into conflict with Russia on numerous occasions, even long before the 2014 Ukraine crisis. He also called the country’s political system flawed and also openly opposed Putin’s reelection in 2011.

In the wake of the Crimean crisis, Biden coordinated US action to help Ukraine as Vice President Obama and said Russia’s aggression

you will pay for it with blood and money.

At the same time, Biden lobbied the United States to sell arms to Ukraine and lobbied the Ukrainian government to end the political and economic corruption that has permeated the country in order to get more aid from countries around the world.

Joe Biden made no secret in his 2020 campaign that he plans to take tougher action against Russia as president., believes that Trump, whom he repeatedly called Putin’s puppet or pup, has so far deliberately treated the Putin regime with a gloved hand.


Some analysts believe that Biden taking measures so harsh against Russia that it will make diplomacy between the United States and the Putin government impossible;, and even President Obama did not try to do so. Exactly what this will look like is not yet clear, but there’s a good chance Putin could expect more sanctions if Joe Biden takes over as president.

Climate change

The issue of climate change has been neglected by Donald Trump, one of his first steps as president was to withdraw from the Paris Climate Convention and abolished dozens of climate protection measures during his presidency. The New York Times put it this way:

The Trump presidency was downright detrimental to Earth’s climate.

Joe biden however, he put this theme on his banner, announcing already during his campaign that back to the Paris Climate Agreement, plus no less than three full pages on your campaign page to explain your solution suggestions (Again, it’s important to note that North Korea, for example, deserved only one sentence and Russia only deserved two paragraphs.)

The site reveals, among other things, that

  • Biden plans to support sustainable energy sources with $ 2 billion,
  • You want to fully decarbonize the energy supply by 2035,
  • You want to make 4 million existing properties energy efficient and create 1.5 million new properties,
  • wants to support the greening of the automotive industry, including electric cars and the construction of 500,000 charging stations,
  • the green program wants to create millions of new jobs.

If Biden’s program materializes and not only remains an empty promise, the United States could set an example for other countries around the world when the problem of switching to green energy arises.


The global coronavirus crisis has also regularly shattered Donald Trump’s presidency and chances for re-election.

Joe Biden is in such an easy position that by the time he takes over as Trump’s presidency, there will likely be vaccines against the epidemic on the corner.

So it is hoped that Biden will not have to go through the escalating virus crisis that Trump has been through – there will be vaccines and a number of drugs for when he sits in the presidency. If you effectively organize the vaccine distribution and the required protection until mass protection is achieved, By the end of 2021, Biden can claim that he has overcome the coronavirus crisis in the United States.

All of this could mean great political capital for the Biden government., which Democrats can refer to for years, saying it escalated under Trump’s presidency, while the epidemic passed under Biden’s presidency. The truth is that there is not necessarily a clear correlation between the person of the president and the stage of development of the vaccine, which is carried out by private companies, but


Cover image: Pyongyang Broadcasting Service
