A Russian submarine has reached the deepest point in the world.


It sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in honor of the 75th anniversary of Vityjaz-D’s automated and unmanned deep-water Russian dive, the victory over fascism, the Research Perspective Foundation (FPI) told the agency. of the Interfax MTI news on Saturday.

Photo: Getty Images – Illustration of our image.

Vityjaz, which can be used for mapping and sampling, reached the bottom of the ditch at 10:43 p.m. Moscow time on Friday, where it remained for three hours. Its instruments indicated a depth of 10,028 meters.

According to the FPI, this is the world’s first fully autonomous unmanned device that reaches the deepest point in the world’s ocean. Rear Admiral Igor Korolev, deputy commander of the Russian Pacific fleet, stated that Vityjaz could carry out tasks anywhere in the seas.

According to Interfax background material, development of a deep-sea device for scientific purposes began in December 2017. It was named in memory of Vityjaz, which had been the flagship of the Soviet scientific research fleet for more than two decades. .

The FPI noted that, unlike the Kaiko and Nereus dive structure, which had previously sunk deep into the Mariana Trench, Vtityjaz is fully self-propelled. With the help of artificial intelligence used in his control, he is able to independently avoid obstacles that stand in his way, find a way out of limited space, and solve other intellectual tasks.
