A record number of new infections were also detected in the Czech Republic last day.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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With 503 new confirmed cases, the number of coronavirus infections recorded in one day in the Czech Republic peaked, according to data published on the website of the Czech Ministry of Health on Wednesday morning.

There are currently 6,576 people in the country fighting the coronavirus, 166 of whom need hospital treatment, and 32 of them can be classified as serious.

The number of daily cases has been increasing steadily over the last two weeks, which, despite the very mild evolution of the disease in most of those affected, has caused concern among the population. So much so that at the start of traditional schooling, teaching has not started in some two dozen schools across the country due to the coronavirus, Education Minister Robert Plaga reported.

Currently, there are more than one hundred local sources of infection in the country where more precautions are taken. The infection has spread more recently in Prague, where there are currently 46 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. Last week, that number was 39.

Furthermore, it was at least incomprehensible that the Hungarian government, at the special request of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, allowed Czechs (and later Slovaks and Poles) who had previously booked their accommodation in Hungary to enter the country on 1 September. despite a general “border blockade”. (via MTI)

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