A premature opening of schools could also be the trigger for a fourth wave


Education can be safely reopened once post-vaccination teacher protection is fully established

– emphasized the vice president of the Teachers Union (PSZ) of InfoRádió. Tamás Totyik He said 75 percent of those who work in education have requested a coronavirus vaccine.

The five teachers’ unions: the Democratic Union of Teachers, the Union of Hungarian Musicians and Dancers, the Hungarian Union of Public Education and Vocational Training and the Union of Christian Teachers, and the Chemical Union (as a union representing people who work in training professional) safe working conditions.

It is feared that the first vaccination still does not provide sufficient protection and that the infection could jump out and even trigger a fourth wave of the process. The PSZ vice president added that although they do not have precise information on when the government intends to carry out a second round of vaccinations for teachers, they estimate that the first week of May could be the time to return to classrooms and then take proper enrollment exams. quitest. The vice president noted that according to the advice of virologists and doctors, the return is considered supported if the number of deaths from the epidemic falls below 100 per day.

The expert acknowledged that the current form of education and the fact that parents have to deal with the supervision of their children in addition to the possible home office is a serious challenge. It is about whether health risks or working conditions place a greater burden on families, added Tamás Totyik.
