A polar bear kills a camper on the Norwegian islands of Svalbard


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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In the early hours of Friday, a 38-year-old Dutchman was killed in a polar bear attack on the Norwegian islands of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) in the Arctic, writes Norway.

The man was attacked in the tent by a three-year-old male polar bear that had been lurking for days around Longyearbyen, the islands capital. The man died from his injuries shortly after the attack. The polar bear that committed the attack was shot down.

According to a BBC article, even though the archipelago, with a population of 3,000, is home to more than a thousand polar bears, it is now only the fifth deadly attack by bears in the last half century.

However, looking ahead, it is not good news that with the decline of the Arctic ice sheet, polar bear habitat and hunting grounds are also rapidly declining, so the animals are venturing every more and more in populated areas. Furthermore, due to the tourism and research boom, trafficking in the Arctic is increasing, further increasing the frequency of human-animal encounters.

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