A new proposal arrives from Brussels to welcome immigrants


There is no one-size-fits-all solution to migration, but in the European Union, “we must put aside our differences, agree and commit ourselves to a sustainable EU approach to migration and asylum,” the president of the European Commission said on Thursday. , Ursula von der Leyen. at a high-level conference on migration organized by the EU Parliament and the incoming German presidency of the EU, according to the MTI.

The Union must not stop in the face of the growing challenges posed by migration, national governments must come together and agree to tackle the problem, said von der Leyen, who also noted that migration has always existed in Europe, and will now always be present due to the rise of globalization.

Immigration can enrich European societies with new talent as long as it is well managed, but if not, there is an opportunity to share the unity of the Union.

The president pointed out that while some member states with external borders, such as Italy, Greece and Spain, were under increasing migratory pressure beyond their capabilities, “past battles could not be relaunched” but were urgently needed . “We owe it to immigrants, refugees and our own fellow citizens,” said Ursula von der Leyen.

The current system does not work

He recalled that the migration and asylum package presented by the committee in late September was necessary because the current system was not working.

The new pact proposal offers a new beginning for a policy based on EU values, solidarity, shared responsibility and flexible cooperation between Member States. The proposal of the EU executive body establishes faster procedures throughout the asylum and migration system and places great emphasis on mutually beneficial cooperation with countries of origin and transit and the return of illegal immigrants to the EU, while respecting human dignity added Ursula von der Leyen.

He also said that the range of opportunities necessary to facilitate the legal arrival of immigrants to Europe must be expanded, and that all rights of those legally admitted must be guaranteed in the EU. That is why next week the European Commission will present an action plan on the reception and integration of immigrants, he said.

Humanitarian responsibility with immigration control

At the conference, Wolfgang Schäuble, President of the Bundestag, urged realism and a willingness to engage with migration, adding that “there are no simple, optimal or morally clean solutions.” Humanitarian responsibility is important, but migration control is also important, “he added. That, in order to face the challenges of migration,” those who question the values ​​of the EU and undermine the foundations of the European idea must also vigorously oppose. “

David Sassoli, president of the European Parliament, said a common set of rules was needed for disembarking and rescuing migrants. He stressed that the rescue of the needy in the open sea cannot be punished, since those who save lives not only fulfill a moral obligation under international maritime law, but also a moral obligation.

He also drew attention to the need to open legal immigration channels for job seekers, depending on the needs of the EU labor market, in order to maintain the necessary level of economic growth in the face of an aging society.

No need to worry

According to EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson, migration should not be feared, it is well managed. He pointed out that 3 million legal immigrants arrived in Europe last year, but 1.5 million EU citizens left and that “only” 140,000 illegal immigrants entered the EU illegally. “We need immigrant labor because European society is aging,” he said. According to the commissioner, the political debate on migration is “oversized”, rather than more practical or sober, and does not take into account the fact that the refugees are in a “truly dramatic situation”.

Johansson said illegal immigration should be reduced, but that does not mean that the number of people entering Europe legally should also be reduced. He also stressed that those who do not have the right to remain in the EU must return to their countries of origin, so that the terrorist threat from the Union can also be reduced. However, he noted that returns can only be made with respect for human rights. The Commissioner stressed that solidarity with all Member States was not enough to solve the migration problem, it was mandatory.
