A new message came from Viktor Orbán: it turned out who he wanted to help


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is awaiting proposals from the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) to help small and medium-sized businesses, which employ the majority of Hungarians.

The prime minister spoke about this on Sunday, in a video posted on Facebook, after meeting with MKIK leader László Parragh.

Viktor Orbán said that he informed the head of the chamber about the expected health measures and also told him that the vaccine is the solution for which there is good hope – writes MTI.

The prime minister put it this way: “We are already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but in the meantime it will be long weeks, and that is why we also have to take care of the economy.” In addition to humans, the virus also attacks the “fabric” of the economy. The main threat posed by the government to small and medium-sized businesses is that they provide jobs for the majority of Hungarians.

The head of government asked the president of the chamber to make a proposal to the government and establish closer cooperation in the coming weeks and months so that they can take measures to help small and medium-sized businesses. “Now come the health decisions, and then the economic measures will follow again. I look forward to the chamber’s proposals,” said Viktor Orbán.
