A New Meaning Of Dubbing: This Is How The Super Rich Get Vaccinated BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics


The United Arab Emirates was one of the first to reopen its borders to tourists. However, many of the foreign guests do not come here for the white sand beaches, but for the coronavirus vaccine. In Dubai, the country’s commercial center, an essentially new industry has been born to serve the wealthy who want to get vaccinated, although the official vaccination plan does not allow it.

The United Arab Emirates was one of the first to reopen its borders to tourists. However, many of the foreign guests do not come here for the white sand beaches, but for the coronavirus vaccine. In Dubai, the country’s business center, an essentially new industry has been born to serve the wealthy who want to get vaccinated, although the official vaccination plan does not allow it.

In the happiest (?) Half of the world, mass vaccination against coronavirus is already in full swing, following a similar schedule in most countries: front-line fighters and members of the vulnerable age group can receive the vaccinate first, and then everyone else. Ripost writes. However, there are many who do not want to wait their turn and want to get one of the coronavirus drugs in a shortened route. Of course, this sometimes costs a lot of money, even millions of guilders. Vaccine tourism has already started among the richest in the world.

Vaccine tourism could be a success this year © AFP

The vaccine as an engine of tourism

Experts say the coronavirus vaccine will be in short supply even in the most developed countries by late summer, so The super rich who want to get vaccinated resort to complicated methodsto get the vaccine ahead of time. For example, they travel to a place where there is a relative abundance of vaccines and anything can be arranged for good money. Tyler Cowen, an analyst at Bloomberg News, said that 2021 will be a year of vaccine tourism, and American entrepreneurs may soon consider getting vaccinated against Covid as part of a business trip to Dubai, possibly a vacation.

The vaccine is also available offline in Dubai for a good price © AFP

The massive vaccine came from China

Oil-rich Arab countries along the Gulf were among the first to authorize a coronavirus vaccine for emergency use. Namely, the Chinese vaccine, which was fiercely attacked by the Hungarian opposition.

For example, the UAE health authorities approved it in September and then began mass vaccinating people on December 9 with a coronavirus preparation from the Chinese state pharmaceutical company Sinopharm.

From neighboring countries, Qatar and Bahrain followed suit a few days later. Thanks to the early start of vaccination, this region has one of the highest vaccinations in the world today. In the Emirates, with a population of 9.5 million, nearly 3 million have received the vaccine so far, representing 31 percent of the country’s population. On this indicator, Israel is only better at 53.58 percent.

Dubai has taken on a new meaning: Whereas before the rich prostitutes and the rich visited the rich for fun in Dubai, now it awaits vaccination.

From the additional content of the full article:

– How do billionaires get vaccinated?

– This is how elite clubs and travel agencies do it

– World leaders trust Chinese vaccines!

If you’d like to read the full article, look for the new weekly Ripost7 on newsstands.
