A moment of unity: the coronavirus vaccination began across the EU on Sunday


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On Sunday, vaccines for the most vulnerable with Pfizer and BioNtech began to be vaccinated throughout Europe against the coronavirus. The vaccines arrived in the EU-funded member state on Saturday, but vaccination, coordinated by the European Commission, only started at dawn on Sunday. However, the governments of three countries, including Hungary, could not bear it for half a day and began vaccinating on Saturday.

Speaking on Twitter on Saturday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called the coordinated vaccination a moving moment of unity and a European success story. As he said, more vaccines will be available soon as soon as authorities deem them effective and safe.

and the European Union has ensured that the Union, like its 450 million people, has enough vaccines. And once enough people have been vaccinated, our lives can slowly return to normal, we can travel again, meet our friends and family, and finally celebrate the holidays normally. Until then, however, everyone must be safe and protect their loved ones so that 2021 can be a year of European recovery and hope.

Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza made a similar assessment of the situation on Sunday in front of a Rome hospital where vaccines for doctors and nurses began. According to him, it is to be expected that vaccination has started, but you should not relax for months to control the epidemic.Pfizer shipped a total of 10,000 units of the vaccine developed jointly with BioNtech to EU member states on Saturday.But the EU has contracted a total of 300 million vaccinations with the two companies, of which the first 200 million will arrive in September 2021. But the union has entered into similar agreements with several other pharmaceutical manufacturers, including Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, CureVac and Moderna. The European Medicines Agency may decide to authorize the vaccination of the latter company on January 6.

In three countries, Germany, Hungary and Slovakia, vaccination of vulnerable groups and health workers started on Saturday, one day before the start of coordinated vaccination. According to German Health Minister Tobias Krüger, every day until vaccination starts is a day lost. Miklós Kásler and his Slovak colleague did not consider it important to explain why they did not wait for a coordinated departure on Sunday, they only announced that vaccination had started on Saturday, in Hungary at the South Pest Hospital and in Slovakia at the Nitra Hospital. (Euronews)

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