A Hungarian family doctor spoke about the most common symptoms of the coronavirus


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During the past week, we have diagnosed significantly more patients with Covid-19, more from the younger age groups, Péter Torzsa said, according to a report by Infostart. The family doctor emphasized

typical symptoms of the coronavirus were dry cough, high fever, pain in limbs, but also sore throat and diarrhea.

He also drew attention to the fact that all people with an upper respiratory infection should first see their family doctor by phone, who will then determine the chances of a coronavirus infection based on symptoms and request a coronavirus test. if required. The patient is then isolated.

All GPs confirm that there are significantly more Covid-19 positive patients in their practice compared to Spring

said Péter Torzsa. GPs also try to find contacts and find that family members do not necessarily contract the infection, but consider it important to keep track of who patients who have been confirmed to be infected come into contact with. If necessary, they should also be tested and filtered, he emphasized.

You have not yet seen national data on the extent of infection among asymptomatic contacts. The same can also be said of various patients.

Tests in the workplace have also often found that an asymptomatic coronavirus infection is found.

Anyone can be an asymptomatic carrier of a coronavirus infection. It is important to maintain a distance of one and a half to two meters, wear a mask inside and do not forget to disinfect our hands and face: Péter Torzsa repeatedly attracted attention.

He also emphasized that the mask must be worn on all public transport trips. According to him, if everyone wears a protective device when traveling, it is unlikely that someone will get infected, especially if they disinfect their hands after the trip.

Cover image source: MTI / Péter Komka
