A grant of 822 million guilders was raised for the construction of a spa hotel and the indictment was terminated


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The Csongrád-Csanád County Public Prosecutor’s Office has formally indicted a woman and two men who received a HUF 822 million grant for the construction of a hotel in Kistelek with Hungarian and EU budget funds with false self-certification.

The woman and the two men, one of whom is a lawyer, are charged with the crime of budget fraud, which causes material damage of particular importance, and the use of false private documents.

We discussed the case in detail in 2017. The planned spa hotel for Kistelek should be completed by the end of 2014. The contractor was able to claim almost the entire grant amount for the project, while his deductible was missing.

As the project stalled, builder Royal Casa kept asking NGM for a postponement to see if it could get money for the hostel somewhere. The ministry eventually terminated the contract with the company.

According to the indictment, which has now been completed, the accused man and woman (couples) submitted a tender in September 2012 for the construction of a hotel and medical center. The objective of the competition was the creation of a medical center with 15 different physical and mental health services in one place, with a total of 76 places of accommodation and hospitalization in the center.

According to the tender documentation, the total cost of the investment was 1,200 million HUF, 70% of which would have been covered by a non-refundable grant of 822 million HUF, with the defendants’ own resources of 364 million. by HUF. The defendants confirmed the existence of the deductible with false statements, including a false loan agreement made by their accused partner, a lawyer from Szeged, and a certificate of deposit indicating that the full amount of the deductible had been deposited into the account of attorney’s escrow. In reality, however, the defendants did not have the necessary amount.

The European Regional Development Fund provided HUF 698 million and the Hungarian state 124 million HUF for the project. The defendants sold the subsidized company shortly after the start of construction. The new owner spent the subsidy amount on the investment, however, due to lack of self-sufficiency, he was unable to finish it, construction stopped at the end of 2016. The Ministry of National Economy withdrew from the contract in April 2017 and recovered the total amount of aid paid.

The defendant caused a property loss of HUF 822 million for the state budget. In the course of the investigation, the Hungarian authorities also used the findings of the recommendation of OLAF (European Anti-Fraud Office). (MTI, Prosecutor’s Office)

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