A construction ban was ordered at another settlement on Lake Balaton


After Paloza, the local government also ordered a trade ban in Szentantalfa, although it is only here on the outskirts of town, it can be read on the local government’s Facebook page. This means that you cannot be in an area subject to a trade ban.

  • to shape a plot of land,
  • to build a new building,
  • to transform, expand, demolish an existing structure,
  • or make other value-added changes that are not subject to a building authority permit.

The municipality ordered the prohibition of the change because

on this hillside dotted with vineyards, small wineries and groves there are more than 300 plots where it could be built according to the previous building regulations. There is no doubt that in the current real estate buying frenzy, which you have probably experienced, this would happen in an instant.

With this Kiss csaba According to its mayor, the view and the atmosphere of San Antonio, everything that is loved in it, would change forever.
