A cat tested positive for coronavirus in France news


In France, a cat tested positive for a coronavirus, presumably infected with its owners.

– Said the Alfort National Veterinary College (ENVA) near Paris on Saturday, which advises infected people to also stay away from their pets.

A joint team of epidemiologists from ENVA, the French health authorities and the Pasteur Institute in Paris evaluated dozens of cats whose owners were infected, and one of them tested positive. The cat also produced clinical respiratory and digestive signs.

This is the first cat in France to be diagnosed as a coronavirus carrier, read on the ENVA website. The researchers recalled that cats have already been found to carry the virus in Hong Kong, Belgium and New York, but the phenomenon is rare.

Epidemic researchers have also specifically looked for infected animals at hot spots in France, where the virus continues to spread, but have found none in the past, ENVA virologist Sophie Le Poder, one of the authors, told the French news agency. of the study.

ENVA recommends that Covid-19 patients limit close contact with their cat, wear a mask in their presence, and wash their hands before petting.

According to research to date, there is no evidence that some coronavirus-infected pets have infected humans.
