A Budapest lawyer wanted to kill his acquaintance as a mercenary.


However, the man accused of killing and his companions deceived everyone.

Budapest police have closed the case of a 47-year-old woman suspected of ordering the murder of a Budapest man, Police.hu writes.

According to the available data, the woman, who was working as a lawyer at the time, met in 2017 through a former client. With Zsolt Sz., Who introduced himself as Márk D. The woman and the man agreed that Zsolt Sz. I would kill Béla B. Zsolt Sz. He recorded this conversation without the woman’s knowledge.

The investigation revealed that the woman was looking for a murderer because she was angry at the husband of one of her relatives, as the couple was in the midst of a messy divorce. Béla B., 46, should have died.

On June 30, 2017, Zsolt Sz. He contacted Béla B., who told him that he had been commissioned to kill him and even told the man who the director was. Zsolt Sz. He also said that the lawyer offered 70 thousand euros for the “work”. The 39-year-old “killer” told the man that he would give him the soundtrack for 3,500 euros.

The 46-year-old man received money in an II. the money had to be put on top of the wooden house behind the district shopping center in exchange for the sound recording. The man also put the money there in the evenings on July 3, 2017, but did not receive the audio recording, so he filed a complaint with the police.

According to the investigation data, Zsolt Sz. He had four other accomplices: Gusztáv K., 50, P. Drago, 68, Márton F., 44 and Róbert G., 39. in committing the crime. The entire “action” was led by Gusztáv K., according to available data, he was the one who figured out how to get money from the lawyer and the victim 46 years later. The money was taken from the roof of the building by Gusztáv K., Róbert G. and Zsolt Sz.

Investigators from the Life Protection Department of the Budapest Police Headquarters questioned the 47-year-old lawyer on the basis of a founded suspicion of preparing for the murder, while his colleagues were questioned as suspects on the basis of a founded suspicion. of a crime of fraud.
