A big change is coming with heating.


Starting in January, the energy characteristics of the new buildings will be hardened, so they will have to be heated with a quarter less energy.

By decree published in the Hungarian Gazette, the Minister responsible for innovation and technology amended the 2006 legislation on the determination of the energy performance of buildings on several points.

The first change is that in the case of a major renovation or extension of an existing building where the extension of the extension exceeds 100% of the usable area of ​​the building to be extended, the building must meet the energy performance requirements for new buildings. For residential and accommodation-type buildings, the annual energy consumption per square meter will be reduced from the current 100 kilowatts to 76 kilowatts (without interior lighting). This means that with a condensing gas boiler, every square meter of the house can be heated with 8 cubic meters of natural gas per year. (If there is refrigeration in the house, the energy consumption can be 10 kilowatts more).

When installing a new heating and cooling system, new buildings must be equipped with self-regulating devices that can independently control the temperature in each room with a floor area of ​​more than 12 square meters. In the case of existing buildings, such self-regulating devices should be installed when replacing heat generators if they can be installed without modifying the heat transfer and dissipation system. If there are multiple parts of the building with different owners, it is recommended to measure the amount of heat per part of the building or to use cost-sharing devices.

The regulation also covers: the amount of renewable heat used to cool the building during the cooling operation, but no later than April 15 and it can be taken into account between October 15. In the case of a heat pump, the heat extracted from the room and released to the outside air in cooling mode cannot be considered a renewable energy source.

The new rules will go into effect on the first day of 2021, so they will apply to construction sites with a building construction registry open thereafter.
