The 17-year-old boy, who jumped out of the window of an apartment in Fő utca in Budapest on Sunday night, was under the influence of drugs, the chief of the reconnaissance department of the Budapest police headquarters said Thursday. at an online press conference.
Balotai Attila He said the boy’s condition was still in crisis. He added that the police on Thursday morning intercepted the 25-year-old trafficker from whom the celebrated youth had taken the drug.
The five young men from Kaposvár and one young man from Érd decided to go to a party in Budapest in a summer house. To do this, they rented an apartment on Fő Street on the Internet, and one of the members of the company ordered drugs through an acquaintance, who also took over Kálvin Square. They were joined at the party by a young man from Érd and three young men from Budapest.
Érd’s 17-year-old boy became confused and aggressive after a while. He broke furniture and spoke incoherently. Then he broke a glass door, injuring himself. His colleagues tried to heal his injury and called an ambulance.
Later, the boy tried to climb onto the windowsill through one of the open windows, but one of the girls prevented him from doing so, but the boy released himself, then ran to the other room and jumped out of the open window. The boy was taken to the hospital in ambulances, and his condition has been fatal and critical since then.
Balotai said five youths were produced from the department, the test confirmed drug use in four of them and detected thc derivatives and amphetamines and active ingredients in their urine. They were questioned on suspicion of drug possession. The investigation also identified and intercepted the trafficker who lived in Calvary Square, from whom the youth took the drug.
Renáto M. C. was questioned as a suspect in drug trafficking, and his girlfriend, Victoria 21, 21, was questioned as a suspect in drug possession. After questioning, the 25-year-old merchant was detained by investigators and is initiating his arrest.