One of them had already involved violence, robbery, extortion and the threat of being a witness in his prius. All three claimed that the girl had consented on the spot. The incident took place at a school, writes the international news agency V4NA, citing Danish sources.
The incident took place on Saturday night at a school in Haslev, about 60 km from Copenhagen. Four migrants attacked a 15-year-old girl late at night, three of them raped and a fourth videotaped the act. Police caught the youths on Sunday and after an accelerated trial in Næstved they were four weeks early.
According to the Danish newspaper Den Korte Avis three of the four criminals are immigrants, while the fourth is a Danish citizen. So far, all we know about them is that one of them is 19 years old, two of them are 18 years old and the fourth person is 17 years old. The latter, incidentally, was questioned with the help of a Kurdish interpreter. The suspects are accused of having agreed in advance to commit a gang rape. During the interrogation, three of them claimed that the girl had consented to sex.
According to the newspaper, it is still unclear when and how the gang fought and what title the three foreign perpetrators live in Denmark. All this will have to be clarified by the investigation.
However, it is already certain that one of them was well known to the police because his prius also included threats of violence, theft, extortion, and witnessing The Danish TV2 channel learned.
An estimate published by the University of Southern Denmark last year In 2017, 24,000 women and girls were subjected to violence. However, only 890 cases were referred to the police. Of these, 535 were prosecuted and only 94 were convicted.