Index – Abroad – The Chilean thief gang, who stole $ 14 million, was captured



06/05/2020. 06:24

Six suspects have been detained in Chile in connection with a case described in the local press as a “robbery of the century,” local Cooperative radio said, citing authorities.

In early March, armed robbers looted $ 14 million and $ 1 million at the Santiago de Chile airport during a spectacular operation, writes MTI. THE The alleged perpetrators were brought before an investigating judge. Authorities confiscated weapons, clothing and cash used by the robbery suspects. Police said the gang had inside information on the shipment.

The robbery, according to a previous BBC report, was carried out by seven people, forcing the guard with a gun to deliver the products. Two guards were more easily injured. The gang members entered the area with two cars, one disguised as a DHL parcel service vehicle. Later, the police found the car, but the gang lost track of the money.
