Every seventh coronary heart disease victim fell ill in the primary care home, Karcsony still does nothing


Gergely Karcsony, the left-wing mayor of Budapest, still refuses to visit the pest yard he supervised, although 15.1 of the patients and 15.7 of the dead were rushed to the hospital. In the past few weeks, Karcsony had discovered in almost all situations that were not true about the nursing home, in which case she had done nothing to ensure the behavior and assumed no responsibility.

Despite the fact that active patients with coronary artery disease were infected and every seventh resident of one of the main maintenance houses, Gergely Karcsony no longer does anything about homes, nor does she take the time to visit any of them, including the Pest home, where the sickest people are found. less age He gave a cynical answer to the question, saying that the left-wing mayor would not go to the institution because visiting the house was prohibited.

The institution, of course, would be the first person in charge of Budapest to visit the institution at any time, and would be mandatory, but it is not. Thin animals survive, and even those who got sick and killed more than 300 people and died about 40 don’t dare. Upon response, the son of one of the hearing victims was outraged and said the city leader was simply lying.

Thin homes are not interested in nursing homes at all

The city treatment in Pest is the most affected institution in your home. ThusMarch 30th The first patient was transported and Julika, 85, died at her home. According to her son, because she was not treated, she was not properly treated and there was no doctor at the institution until November. According to her son, she was the first victim of the coronary cortex in Pest.

This was also recognized by József Skultti, the head of the institution, when he wrote in a letter:

Our institution does not have a doctor in the cheese industry … medical care is not yet guaranteed.

Prilis 10-n The number of new infections registered in Hungary in one day was 210. The reason for this was that at that timethe coronary artery was furious in the old houses.Only Pest ton126 was infected at the time. Ceclia Mller, a national medical officer, visited the facility in person and ordered the house to take immediate action.

April 11 the military disinfected the house, at which time two apartments had been infected, but Gergely Karcsony always said that “the counterpart was a commissioner.”

The Hungarian army had to intervene at his home in PestSource: Koncz Mrton- Origo

Again, Karcsony fell in love with not telling the truth.

Gergely Karcsonytried to show the driver at home with a letter that there was medical help,but that day it turned out that the letter was sent to Karcsony kampnyfnk, the former Gyurcsny confidant, Gl J. Zoltn.prilis 23-n it also turned out thatNo doctor was present at the institution three times from the chrome.Government office staff personally ensured this, and the next day a better filter check confirmed thatthere are no other medical services underway other than care.There were inspections at all of these locations, and no contracted GP or GP was present at all times.

One million for the institution

It also turned out that caregivers in the nursing home didn’t care so much that the crowd became pregnant. Antal Ssdi, director of Pterfi Krhz, said to Mandiner:
Patients who arrive from their home in Pest are generally in a state of neglect with trauma, as was the case on April 25, and we estimate that a third of them may experience a pregnancy.After this, Karcsony reiterated to the National Assembly Committee that everything was fine in the nursing home.

prilis 29-nDue to serious misconduct, the relevant government office imposed a fine of one million forints on the Pest Road, run by the city.The inspection revealed that the laundry was untidy, invisible, the tap and the environment were not accessible, the tools for cleaning could not be identified and the disinfection and cleaning process could not be monitored.

Mjus 1-jn Farkas rs, the heart of the Government Information Center, shared a community discussion about how the country’s largest center in Pest could have become.

Mjus 2-n it turned out thatat least tz had a day in the profile when there was no doctor present in person at the Idsek Home in Pest, and by mid-March he must have stalled at the institution. The mayor’s statements were also contradicted by the fact that inspections revealed that no doctor had been available by phone at the nursing home on any of the worst days. It also turned out that the document on the appropriate hygiene protocol that can be expected in the legal situation is only prilis in the second half, after the development of the institutional focal point.

Mjus 5-n Jnos Halsz, deputy director of the Fidesz group, spoke at the National Assembly: that they accumulated mistakes in Budapest and that the home in Pest became the national center of coronary artery disease. Slim has never been visited, and everyone is responsible for the story, except that the cheese is not responsible.Halsz Jnos said. This law should be thoroughly investigated with the conclusion of the law, he added.

The questions

After all this, the question rightly adds that in the last few weeks Gergely Karcsony, when was she unable to go to the Pest institution at least once? How long does it make up for all kinds of excuses, and why does it do nothing to improve the situation of the elderly? And most importantly, when are you not responsible for the crime?
