Index – Sports – Chinese miracle swimmer appealed against eight-year ban


In early February, the Sports Arbitration Court (CAS) banned Chinese miraculous swimmer Sun Yang for eight years for crushing a blood sample taken from Yang with a hammer in 2018. According to CAS, Sun, 28, raped doping rules, and since he was once expelled for doping, he was sentenced to a maximum sentence of eight years, which is practically the end of a swimmer’s career, and therefore lags behind the Tokyo Olympics .

According to Inside The Games, Sun Yang appealed the verdict in Swiss federal court. The board received the swimmer’s appeal on April 29, one day before the deadline.

Sun won the gold medals at 400 and 1,500 meters at the London 2012 Olympics, and became the 200 meter champion at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Between 2011 and 2019, the Chinese won 11 gold medals at the world Championship.

However, the federal court can only act on human rights and procedural matters, it cannot change the decision to ban CAS. The swimmer denies doing anything wrong, arguing that the doping controllers had no authentic certificates, one of which turned out to be a simple construction worker. The International Swimming Federation (FINA) has not previously banned a swimmer. However, according to the International Anti-Doping Agency (AMA), everything was fine with the inspector’s documents, which was also accepted by CAS.
